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South Carolina Lawmakers Moving Forward With Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana Bills Are Under Evaluation This Month in South Carolina

South Carolina patients suffering from a long list of qualifying conditions like multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, and PTSD may soon get access to the natural relief they have been waiting for. This week, the South Carolina Medical Affairs Committee is voting on passing a bill that would legalize medical marijuana and set up a program for access!

Senate Bill 150

This bill would regulate the use of medical marijuana as a legal option of treatment when suggested by doctors. Under it, patients can purchase up to two ounces of marijuana or its equivalent derivative. We estimate that products will be sold at more than 100 dispensaries statewide, as the bill mandates at least one dispensary per county.

Qualifying Conditions

Studies have shown the benefits of marijuana for numerous medical conditions, one being chronic pain, and few doctors would argue against marijuana’s medicinal benefits. Under this bill, patients approved by a doctor can use medical marijuana to experience relief and normalcy in everyday functions.

Cannabis is considered safer than many prescription drugs, and in fact, it is often more effective. If approved for a qualifying condition, a South Carolina Marijuana Card doctor will help you safely navigate your best treatment options with medical marijuana.

Support by South Carolinians

South Carolina is one of only 14 states that does not currently have a medical marijuana program. However, there is overwhelming support by state residents for legal medical cannabis.

Also, the use of medical marijuana is greatly supported by veteran groups, as data shows that suicides among combat veterans decline when they have access to cannabis. Once this bill passes and medical marijuana is legal, we will offer discounts to our veteran patients, as well as for SSDI and SSI patients.

Patients suffering from qualifying conditions deserve access to treatment from marijuana. By talking with a certified physician, you will get the help and relief you’ve been looking for.

Let your South Carolina senator know that you would like to have medical marijuana as a legal option! Visit to learn more.

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